Thursday, December 11, 2008


I started it when everything was ending……closing…….
Even when it becomes so complicated………and now so messed up….
Thinking what I can do to make everything all right…………
Even to make it less stressful…..or less painful
Had a thought to make it a farewell …….and this just a tribute…..
Tribute people…yeah just a tribute…..
When the life became a nightmare……with no clues no flows….
When I felt so selfless… not me…
When it turned up to be the worst thing ever happened to me...
I looked in to you thinking……
Here is another one……see how he stands beyond that….
How he conquer his own inner fears…
See how wonderful to have a friend like him…

Yes you…this is about you all….
And im glad ..coz finally im letting it go…yeah
This is ma tribute to you friend…..yeah finally
Im glad to have you…im glad ma friend…

I cannot bring back the past we missed…times we skipped….
Even all the happy ending and all the good things ever happened to us…
How we hold our hands in the ally of tears…..
How we used to tease or even bug each other…..yeah its true…
We liked each other coz there is a speciality…in everyone
So had a thought to make the end a farewell…less painful
Tribute people this is just a tribute…..
Just to say….
When the life became a nightmare……to you my dear friend….
When you feel so selfless… not you…
When it turns up to be the worst thing ever happened to you...
Don’t back down……don’t step back
Coz Im there……im standing not as ….
a conqueror of ma own fears and tears…
but as your true friend who always loved you…

Yes you…this is about you all….
And im glad ..coz finally im letting it go…yeah
This is ma tribute to you friend…..yeah finally
Im glad to have you…im glad ma friend…

P.S. I wanted to tell this so long ago…but I couldn’t..
Even this is not my time…this is not me…..
I wanted to say that im there for you…till I die…
All the people who tagged in……
You are special to me that’s why you are here…
And C its for you tooo…for being ma better half….

byDilan D Samathilake alias daDeViL

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