Monday, October 15, 2012

Chasing Rainbows

Cocktails were poured into her empty heart,
while Berlin bars sang her song.
As it echoed beyond
the war drums of ruthless Nazis;
she exhaled her sorrows into thin air.
Smoke, her dreams were to the naked eyes
of those who were foreign to love-lost betwixt,
too thick.Thicker than the ashes flew;
over the gas chambers, fake rainbows and many.
Confusions were bottled up within;
ready to be popped open to pour down like champagne
but corked well, so the frustation sustained;
stuck to the bottom
like a gunblade on a blood stained
heart. Hard but pain was eased
again, was pleased as she sipped her spirits,
spiritual! Her nonstop chatter released her greif
while her scattered heart sighed silently.
Her gown was the terrain that strangers walked
passing neon lights and name signs
vacant rooms and street lights.
'I am a princess' she thought
while counting notes given, souvenirs
of the night that she crowned him;
a stranger who was short stayed

By Dilan Samathilake (alias Dilan daDevil) 

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